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Shure Opens Second Manufacturing Plant in Juarez

Shure abre segunda planta de fabricación en Juárez

Mexico. Members of Shure's Board of Directors and Executive Team traveled to Juarez to inaugurate Shure's second manufacturing facility in the country.

In the 1980s, founder S.N. Shure personally selected the city of Juarez as the location of Shure's first manufacturing plant in Mexico. Production began on October 1, 1984, with only ten employees in a rented building. Shure moved its operations to a new facility of its own in 1990. In 2004, Shure expanded the plant space to a total of 4,500 m2. The expansion continued to advance, and in 2006 it already had 6,400 m2.

With the company's continued growth, it was finally time to open a second unit. This new facility allows for even greater manufacturing capacity for Shure products. More than 130 employees from both plants gathered to share this special moment.

The ceremony began with a presentation by Monse Luna, HR Manager of Juárez. Shure President and CEO Chris Schyvinck and Juarez Plant Manager Juventino Herrera gave a welcome speech and a brief overview of the project.

Jamie Griffin, Senior Vice President and Chief Supply Chain Officer, emphasized the importance of this facility and its impact on the company and the region. "We have a long and successful history here and want to continue to build on this legacy while supporting our customers," Griffin said. "The team in Juarez is an incredibly important part of the Shure family and with the addition of this new facility, Shure's story will continue here for many years to come."

- Publicidad -

Over the next decade, the start-up of the new facility is expected to add up to 500 new employees.

"By expanding our presence in Juarez, we can enhance our global supply chain, ensuring that our products get into the hands of our valued customers quickly and uninterruptedly," said Schyvinck. "This additional manufacturing capacity will allow us to meet the growing demands of our customers, no matter where they are."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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