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Samsung stores in Latam offer sign language service

Tiendas Samsung en Latam ofrecen atención en Lengua de Señas

Latin America. Samsung announced that its Smart Centers in Latin America will offer face-to-face service in Sign Language. The service, which began with a pilot project in May in Brazil, is part of the new Samsung Smart Xperience concept and aims to break accessibility barriers and offer the best service to all customers.

"We believe that every person should be respected. And this also means offering treatment and care that considers different needs and contexts. Therefore, our goal is to make the operation increasingly inclusive and reaffirm our position of promoting technology as a facilitating agent in the consumer's life," says Billy Moreira, Samsung's Senior Director of Customer Satisfaction for Latin America.

In this way, when a person with hearing impairment arrives at the Smart Center, the Samsung specialist receives them as priority attention and triangulates the conversation with a professional specialized in Sign Language, through a tablet. Everything happens in real time, so all doubts can be resolved guaranteeing clear and transparent advice.

Online Service
As an option for those who prefer not to go to the store, Samsung also offers online service in Sign Language through live video calls. In this way, the consumer experience becomes more personalized and interactive, with the purpose of ensuring a better understanding and satisfaction of users with hearing impairments.

- Publicidad -

What are Samsung Smart Centers?
It's a welcoming space where users can discover and purchase Samsung products, have access to special promotions, receive personalized guidance to optimize device usage, request maintenance services, and even explore how a connected home works through Samsung SmartThings. This new concept of face-to-face service from Samsung provides intelligent and integrated solutions throughout Latin America.

In Smart Centers, users can also contribute to the environment. These centers collect small and medium-sized unused electronic devices of any brand, such as headphones, chargers, batteries, laptops, and smartphones.

The new Samsung Smart Xperience customer experience concept has just been introduced by Samsung throughout Latin America and aims to provide intelligent and integrated end-to-end solutions to make users' daily lives easier.

This new service covers the customer journey through multiple touchpoints, available 24/7, along with the most comprehensive range of experiences on the market, starting with selling products with brand experts and special promotions.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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