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Das Audio: the clear and natural sound at Decades Club

Decades Club

United States. Decades Club, a popular nightspot with more than 4,500 square meters in Washington, prefers the E11EVEN Sound by DAS Audio systems, when it comes to guaranteeing a clear and natural sound in its spaces.

The space is framed by a retro theme, which evokes the last four decades in terms of what the music industry has been at the different levels that make up the Club, these being the 80's, 90's, 2000's and 2010.

Decades Club espacio interior

An intentional design that arises as a reflection of the professional career of Antonis Karagounis, owner of Decades, who worked in the promotion of the most historic nightclubs in DC, such as Echostage, Ultrabar, Mayflower Club, Barcode, Soundcheck or FUR.

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In view of the large area to cover and the musical theme for decades, this club updated its sound system, choosing the E11EVEN Sound by DAS Audio solution, which was completed last August thanks to Randy White of Washington Music Center, one of the main music stores in the US and preferred partner of the brand.

Installation and details
Then, for important change, three people were appointed, who as a team were in charge of the installation. Willy'Rodriguez, owner of Willy-Tech Services of Miami, an AV integration services company; in addition to the design, management and commissioning was assigned to John Fiorito of DAS Audio; and finally, Geovanni Ortiz, application engineer at DAS Audio, who is also a certified engineer by Rational Acoustic SMAART, was responsible for the optimization of the speakers.

Of this installation John Fiorito commented: "The rooftop is one of the most original spaces of Decades, with a retractable roof, the space allows to host private events of between 50 and 1,000 people. Here, we have used twelve weatherproof E11EVEN Sound ES-26DX-W speakers. These 2-way systems incorporate two 6B speakers, for low frequencies, and a compression motor with a 1-inch diaphragm. The low-frequency boost is provided by three E11EVEN Sound ES-218SDX-W subwoofers equipped with two 18LX transducers."

Das Audio parlante

In the same way, he explained that the amplification for these speakers was achieved thanks to the use of the E11EVEN Sound by DAS Audio amplifiers, in their references EP-10K4 and EP-14K2. "The signal processing of the system includes a BSS Audio BLU-100 signal processor and a BLU-BOB1 Break-Out Box expander, coordinated by Santiago Ruiz, an external contractor with whom we work and who is certified for BSS and Creston installations for all E11EVEN Sound by DAS Audio projects that require programming."

Installation in the thematic spaces
Four Artec-308 2-way passive speakers with 8-inch transducer, an M-26 engine and six E11EVEN Sound ES-10 2-way point source boxes, equipped with a 3-inch coil transducer for medium-low frequencies, were installed in the room dedicated to Hip-Hop. In addition, four passive subwoofers Action-S218 and one Action-S18 take care of low frequencies.

Fiorito explained that in the room of the 90s and 2000s they opted for four Artec-308 speakers and six ES-10 boxes in each room. As in the Hip-Hop room, four Action-S218 and one Action-S18 were installed, which take care of the low frequencies. "The power amplification of these three rooms is done with two ELEVEN Sound by DAS Audio EP-14K2 amplifiers and two EP-6K4."

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Antonis Karagounis

Finally, the owner of Decades concluded: "In a nightclub or top-notch restaurant, the important thing is to get a clear and natural sound. Music should be an attractive element as it is an important part of the 'atmosphere'. You need quality sound, with the right levels, as well as clear voice intelligibility.

John Fiorito, Randy White and Willy Rodriguez were very aware of the whole process and the results speak for themselves. I couldn't be happier."

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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