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Musitempo seeks to be a sustainable and efficient organization

 Fernando Hernández Voigt, CTO de Musitempo

Dominican Republic. The audiovisual market in the Dominican Republic in 2024 has been a scenario of continuous activity, ranging from the implementation of installed systems to live events and the film field. This was highlighted in conversation with AVI Latin America by Fernando Hernández Voigt, CTO of Musitempo.

He added that tourism, an essential driver of the Dominican economy, has been the main driver of demand for AV technology. Hotels, airports, cruise ports and live events have been the most prominent segments in the search for innovative audiovisual solutions.

In this dynamic, he highlighted an important project carried out during the last year, the conclusion of the expansion of Terminal B of the Punta Cana International Airport. In this space, they implemented a distributed audio system, mass notification and crisis management has been a significant advance in the modernization of airport infrastructure.

For Fernando Hernández, the behavior of the industry in his country for this year is one of inevitable growth, due to "the offer that exists at the level of so many competent manufacturers and with human resources, in addition to project opportunities that increasingly demand more at a technical level, which is motivating because companies like ours and that of many colleagues in the territory, that we have taken care of training our engineering and technical staff, as well as keeping certifications up to date and having the best tools to carry out our work".

- Publicidad -

Commitment to Sustainability
Sustainability has become a growing concern in the Dominican AV industry, with initiatives ranging from energy-saving practices to the adoption of solar panels on premises.

In this regard, Fernando Hernández pointed out that "we are increasingly giving it a coherent importance, seeking to be able not only to be a sustainable organization, but also to be efficient. Among the obvious ones has been the incorporation of energy saving practices, as well as the implementation of the use of solar panels in our different locations, both Offices, Showrooms and Warehouses. Teleworking practices in order to optimize resources and their displacement. As well as logistical measures that have had a great impact on our organization."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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