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Snap One to Demonstrate More Than 20 New Products at Cedia

snap one

Cedia. Snap One will showcase more than 20 new residential products and integrator support initiatives at Cedia Expo 2023, all of which are designed to help industry professionals meet the needs of today's smart home customers.

Attendees will be able to learn about the robustness and breadth of Snap One's newest control, networking, audio, video, lighting and security solutions, and learn how to best leverage these cutting-edge solutions for their customers through a multi-section display experience at the booth.

At its exhibit space at CEDIA this year, the company will demonstrate how Snap One's innovative solutions can be deployed in the various areas of a home, including a simulated control room, entertainment room, and bar area that together showcase all categories of smart home technology.

Visitors to the booth will also be able to learn about Snap One's leading partner support programs that provide product training, loyalty discounts, installation support, and system design services.

- Publicidad -

Partner expertise is critical at the Snap One 2023 booth, where attendees can learn how new OvrC system remote management capabilities and new Control4 OS 3.4.0 software enable more consistent and reliable user experiences, while providing unprecedented ability for users to optimize their own experiences and for partners to manage the ongoing service needs of a large number of customers.

In the booth's entertainment room, attendees can try out new home theater audio products from Episode and Triad, including several powerful subwoofers, a Ryff-compatible™ broadcast amplifier and a MoIP amplifier, plus full speaker systems, Control4 CORE drivers and the new CORE Lite.

The Control Room showcases a variety of back-end products and solutions including a Strong rack, WattBox's IP power line and a new WattBox 800 Series multifunction trigger, along with new Araknis multi-gig and WAP Access Networks Unleashed networking products. This is where visitors can learn about the business and user advantages of implementing OvrC solutions, as well as the installation benefits of the new Binary MoIP V3 technologies and the Luma x20 surveillance system, including new large capacity recorders.

The exciting outdoor bar area demonstrates how the new 75-inch SunBrite Veranda outdoor display can create stunning backyard entertainment experiences in combination with Episode's new Aftershock landscape speaker system, Episode Radiance combined lighting and speaker solution, sturdy ceiling brackets and comfortable sturdy slide-out shelf.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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