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Barco and Croma Digital showcased their main solutions

Barco y Croma Digital

Mexico. With the aim of demonstrating new products and advantages of its professional video processors, Barco, together with its distributor in Mexico, Croma Digital, held a workshop, in addition to showing some of its main products from various product lines that the company has.

During the presentation, Rodrigo Cornejo, Country Manager Mexico and Director of LATAM Channels at Barco, mentioned that "We have a local office in Mexico and that is important for you to feel supported, that you have someone local. The idea is for you to feel sheltered by Barco."

The technological advantages of the software and hardware developed by the company for the processing of images in increasing video resolutions, for markets such as cinema, events, themed venues, shows, auditoriums, meeting rooms, TV studios, among many others, were explained.

For his part, during the presentation, Mauro Umeki Andrade, Sales Manager of the Immersive Experiences division, mentioned some details of the product offer offered by Barco in the region. "Our products are well known, the quality and the final result are very good, but also with the acquisition of a Barco product permanent technical support is involved. We are committed to providing the strongest possible support and service."

- Publicidad -

Likewise, Luis Rendón, Sales Manager of Croma Digital, said that the offer they offer in Mexico, and in which Barco is one of their main suppliers, covers various solutions for the audiovisual industry and places them as one of the main companies in the sector. "The market is completely changed. Video projectors are evolving, we no longer have lamp equipment, and most manufacturers are changing everything to the new technology, which is laser, since these equipment provide you with greater capacity in terms of useful life, and a better quality of light. They are being used more in the area of fixed installations, for example, museums, immersive experiences, schools," the executive told AVI Latin America.

And he added about the change in customs in the market after the COVID-19 pandemic. "Because of the pandemic. There was a shortage of microchips and that destabilized the strongest brands, globally speaking, and little by little they have been retaking their same market."

The professional training, held south of Mexico City, was conducted by Khalid Shakur, Sales Support Engineer at Barco, who was in charge of offering the technical details of the Belgian company's products.

Text written by Vlad Martínez for AVI Latin America.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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