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Digital Signage Summit Europe 2024 will be on May 22 and 23

Digital Signage Summit Europe 2024 será el 22 y 23 de mayo

International. At Hilton Munich Airport on May 22 and 23, leaders from the world of digital signage and DooH will share their views on hot industry topics from the Digital Signage Summit (DSS) Europe.

Presented by invidis and Integrated Systems Events, this is Europe's leading strategic conference for digital signage and DooH. It's where C-level figures come together to discuss and debate the latest developments in the industry.

Among the topics to be discussed this year are:

Market Trends
Panels comprised of leading industry players from EMEA, North America, the Middle East and APAC will discuss the current state of the industry.

- Publicidad -

Software & Signage
Next-generation platforms are disrupting long-established roles along the value chain. The launch of Samsung VXT is just the beginning.

Green Signage
As the economy moves away from carbon-intensive hardware and software, how does the European digital signage industry plan to go green?

Retail Media & DooH
While demand for linear TV advertising is falling and online/mobile is stagnating, DooH and retail media are booming.

Computer Security
Leading IT security experts from top-tier tech companies present the current threat level and solutions for managing cybersecurity.

AI & Data
Several panels will explore analytical and generative AI, the battle of the backends, and the role of B2B IoT.

Best Practices
End customers and digital signage experts will present best practices in vertical markets, from retail to QSR, automotive, beauty and corporate.

The full agenda of the sessions is available here.

- Publicidad -

Setting the stage for an inspiring journey ahead, the summit opens with the invidis market keynote, where conference president and CEO of invidis, Florian Rotberg, and Stefan Schieker, senior partner at invidis, will delve into the digital signage market, offering valuable insights into market dynamics and emerging trends. Opportunities.

Florian highlighted: "We are delighted to reveal the programme of the DSS Europe 2024 conference, which offers attendees a complete and eye-opening experience. With an impressive list of thought-provoking speakers and sessions, DSS Europe 2024 promises to be a must-attend event for anyone involved in the digital signage industry."

In addition to the packed conference programme, DSS Europe 2024 will see the launch of invidis Software Compass, the first independent platform for comparing digital signage software. This announcement will be combined with the traditional publication of the 2024 invidis Yearbook, known as the "bible of the digital signage industry", which will once again include the main articles on the key digital signage trends of the year.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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