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Training for the future of business at LiveTec Show

Capacitación para el futuro del negocio en LiveTec Show

Miami. LiveTec is the new fair focused on technologies for live events and entertainment, which will be held on May 14 and 15 in Miami, and organized by the magazines AVI Latin America, TVyVideo+Radio and its publishing house Latin Press.

This important meeting, which brings together the experience of both publications in their industries, will present the latest developments in technology for sectors such as:

- Concerts and festivals
- Nightlife, bars and clubs
- Churches and houses of worship
- Congresses and conventions
- Sporting events and tournaments

LiveTec's academic program will offer an interesting agenda of conferences for two days that will address issues of technologies and trends for the realization of live events and entertainment, which will provide tools for the future of the sector.

- Publicidad -

The first day, May 14, will feature talks that will be given in Spanish. It will begin with two presentations that will show the possibilities of doing business between the United States and Latin America, one by the Beacon Council of Miami Date with the opportunities offered by this city, and another on the customs challenges for the export of AV systems, lighting, among others.

In terms of technology, there will be a workshop on basic concepts of system designs, a presentation on Cinemaline and Robotic Cameras for live production and the day will end with a talk on LED screens for live events.

On the second day, Wednesday, May 15, there will be a program of conferences in both English and Spanish. It will begin with a panel discussion organized by the Light Collective, which will analyze the perspective of lighting in America and the gender balance in the industry.

The day will continue with a talk called making live production a reality, another on the choice of truss according to each event and will end with the power of NDI, SRT and HDbaseT in live events.

Each of these presentations will be given by renowned professionals with extensive experience in the sector.

We invite you to learn about the training agenda of LiveTec Show 2024 and all the details of the fair by visiting

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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