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IntegraTEC Brasil met expectations for exhibitors and visitors

integratec brasil 2023

Brazil. With positive comments and a significant growth in exhibitors and visitors, IntegraTEC Show returned to Brazil premiering its new brand, with a participation of approximately 1,300 people, including visitors, exhibitors and sponsors, the latter adding more than 20 exhibiting brands and an agenda of around 30 free specialized conferences, consolidating itself as the meeting place of the professional AV sectors, broadcast, data communication and automation.

It should be noted that the majority of the visiting public was from the areas of general management (35%), sales and marketing (15%) and installation services (12%). As for the sectors in which they work, the majority of attendees identified themselves as Integrators of automation and audiovisual systems (36%), followed by distributors of AV equipment (10%) and manufacturers of AV equipment (10%).

It is worth highlighting the support of the exhibitors for this new edition, including the sponsors Yamaha, Dahua, Ingram, Grupo R1, D-link and Rcell, who supported the different activities of the event such as the Connected Bar, TOP100 Independent Integrators of Brazil, and the Intelligent Home Summit, academic program curated by the Instituto da Automação, headed by José Roberto Muratori, as well as the sponsors of KNX Days: Betacavi, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Finder and Grupo Discabos.

Max Jaramillo, Show Director of Latin Press, Inc., the company organizing the event, stressed that "we continue on a positive path in Brazil as in the entire region. Our repositioning of the TecnoMultimídia brand to IntegraTEC to emphasize the role of the solution integrator for commercial and residential environments is bearing fruit. The integrator does more than A/V as shown in this IntegraTEC Brazil contest. See you in 2024!"

- Publicidad -

For his part, Luis Carlos Carmo, Country Manager Brazil of IntegraTEC, stressed that this 2023 version of the event "was a great surprise for all participants, sponsors, exhibitors, allies, speakers and visitors. We got the formula right and through the alliance with the most important associations in each sector, it was possible for the participating brands, at least one of each segment of the fair, to interact with different levels of visitors. Towards IntegraTEC Brasil 2024! I hope to see you there."

IntegraTEC Brasil 2023 was also supported by the KNX Association, Instituto da Automação, Abeprest (Brazilian Association of Telecommunications and IT Solutions Companies), ABINC (Brazilian Internet of Things Association), UBIC (Brazilian Union of Engineering Solutions Integrators), and ConsorcioTec.

IntegraTEC will return to Brazil in May 2024. For updates and more information, visit:

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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