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Digital transformation heads to the cloud in 2023

Transformación digital

Colombia. Currently, the world lives in the era of digital transformation, where the digitization of companies has been continuously growing. According to MinTic, 64% of large Colombian companies reported inclusion in digital transformation.

The business strategies of companies have promoted that technologies were not only a tool to meet people's needs or carry out business processes, but also became a key factor of sustainability and growth for any organization.

Several studies have proven how technologies and the world of digitalization have helped companies gain time in the operational area, take advantage of human resources, improve internal processes and have a greater approach with the end users of any product or service, thus improving their sales rates. Even, according to a report by Bain & Company, it is assured that 70% of companies in the world will increase their technology budgets in 2023.

These significant goals are evident in cloud storage, which has evolved in recent years, but why is the cloud important?

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According to Edwin Tello CEO & VP of HostDime Latam, "Cloud storage is a fundamental factor, since the information and applications that companies have must be saved, stored on remote servers instead of a local device, for security and foresight, and they are accessed through the Internet with greater security without fear that the information will be deleted or stolen. Cloud services are a set of technologies and services that provide users with on-demand access to computing resources, such as storage and access networks, applications, and services, over the Internet. These resources are typically provided by large data centers, operated by companies known as cloud providers."

What are data centers and why are they important?
A data center is a space designed and built to house, process and distribute the data or information of a company, through connections and resources necessary to optimize its service.

Cloud computing providers use data centers to provide their services, hosting a large number of servers and other computing resources in these facilities, which can be accessed over the Internet.

Colombia has sought to establish itself as a technology hub of interest for the hyperscale and communications industry, and the figures show it is on the right track.

According to a study by Arizton, in 2021 the size of the data center market in Colombia was valued at $380 million and is expected to reach $653 million by 2027, which represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.44% over the next 4 years.

More than 20 data processing centers have been established in the national territory, with important companies such as IBM and Hostdime Inc, a company, a global leader in data center infrastructure, who is part of this commitment to consolidate a wide and outstanding datacenter industry in the region and has just completed its new data center in Tocancipá, Cundinamarca, with an investment of 24 million dollars.

Some advantages of cloud storage:
- Accessibility: Files stored in the cloud can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing users to work on their projects from any device.
- Collaboration: Hosting files in the cloud allows team members to collaborate and share information in real time.
- Backups: Most cloud hosting services automatically back up files, which means users don't have to worry about losing their documents and information, in case of hardware failures or natural disasters.
- Scalability: There are services that allow users to increase or decrease the saving capacity according to their needs and growth.
- Cost savings: Hosting files in any type of cloud can be cheaper than buying and maintaining your own storage infrastructure, since users only pay for the provisioning space they use.

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The cloud today is synonymous with efficiency, growth and productivity and will be the protagonist this new year. Its power is such that it allowed organizations to guarantee their operation in times of COVID. According to projections provided by IDC, International Data Corporation, by 2023 it is estimated that the cloud in Latin America will grow by 30.4%.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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