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Lectrosonics In-Ear System Wins Market in Latam

christian cabezas, lectrosonics

Latin America. During NAMM Show 2024, the company Lectrosonics focused its efforts on highlighting the In-Ear monitoring system, which has been gaining ground in recent months in Latin America.

Christian Cabezas, Sales Manager for Latam at Lectrosonics, highlighted that "Our system is starting to make an impact in live sound. There are bands like Foo Fighters and other Latin bands that are starting to use it. That's why we're quite optimistic for 2024, with this technology, very interesting."

The system stands out for being quite lightweight, features wireless digital transmission and Dante. "It allows you to achieve a very complex system in a very small space, the transmitter is quite small, weighs very little, is half a rack unit, two stereo mixes, and is compatible with all Lectrosonics systems. So we have an ecosystem where you can use multiple transmitters with different receivers and accommodate new uses that aren't normally possible with wireless systems," he added.

Regarding the Latin American market in 2023, he pointed out that it was quite good, due to several projects such as reality shows and productions, particularly from studios, in which they did quite well. He indicated that Mexico and Brazil were the markets where they developed the most projects.

- Publicidad -

Finally, he stressed that "2024 looks quite good, we have large projects, in particular with TV stations, it is moving quite a bit, what is external production is still our core. We have a lot of expectations for this year, the plan is to continue giving strength to the theme of television, cinema, and also enter a little on the subject of live sound, because this equipment has attracted a lot of attention for bands and for companies that need to be moving and need the best audio quality".

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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