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Business Development Tools

diego cárdenas

Synergy is a vital part of growth within our AV industry. A sales team with high technical knowledge is just as valuable as an engineering team with extensive sales and communication skills.

Diego Cardenas*

Diversifying technical and commercial processes to foster market development and reach in the audiovisual industry is not an easy task. Regardless of the company profile (solution integrator, distributor, brand representative or a derivative company dedicated to B2B or B2C development) it is very important to perform an in-depth analysis of the engineering processes that can lead to remarkable growth and efficiency in processes.

Design Tools
Every audiovisual solution requires an initial concept for its future implementation through technology and products focused on its applications. The design and specification stage is vital to ensure that the expectations and needs of each project are met. This quality assurance may depend on the answer to these three questions:

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Do we have the right tools to design solutions with high performance standards?

Do we have the right technological allies?

Do our commercial and technical team comply with the standards of our technological allies to design and implement AV solutions focused on the applications and requirements of our customers?

Internal Processes and Quality of Service
Our sales team and our engineering team must have a communication flow and teamwork process of high efficiency and productivity. Any failure on one of these fronts can harm the closure of a project or the specification phase of a point solution.

It is very important to make use of software tools (within which I recommend considering cloud-based tools) that allow management to monitor and optimize project support and give an appropriate follow-up to each opportunity from both points of view.

Synergy is a vital part of growth within our AV industry. A sales team with high technical knowledge is just as valuable as an engineering team with extensive sales and communication skills. The contribution of each team in these aspects strengthens the impact and position of your company. Customers notice it, accept it and identify with it.

Skills development in a technical team
Every engineering team must develop commercial management skills, as well as communication skills that allow building and creating long-term relationships with their customers. An engineering team that develops these commercial capabilities, increases their value and contribution to the market development and sales growth of any organization within our industry.

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Consulting and Coaching
During the last years, the consulting model has taken a relevant position in the development and strategic growth of companies globally in multiple areas and specialties. Having an external partner with extensive experience to design an implementation plan for engineering, sales, education and market development processes can be a powerful tool, in which there is a high focus on optimizing the operation and meeting the objectives set.

*Diego Cárdenas is a Specialist Consultant Pro AV & Acoustics.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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