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Unity makes strength

In conversations with integrators of the audiovisual industry from different countries in Latin America, in addition to highlighting the growth in the region, there are two issues that have become increasingly common: the little collaborative work between the different companies in the region and the lack of ethics in some to access business.

In the first case, the integrators point out that in many cases it is difficult to join forces to carry out a project collaboratively, since there are fears and jealousy among colleagues who in the first thing they always think is that the other is looking to take away the client, damage the business, steal the information.

On the reason for this situation, the explanations are diverse, although most conclude the lack of maturity in the industry. Although the number of AV installations and businesses in the region is growing, and we have integrators with extensive experience that exceed 50 years, what could be considered an administrative and commercial failure in companies remains to be overcome.

The second case exposed approaches the illegal. Without distinction of country, the integrators complain about the bad practices of some colleagues when looking to get hold of an installation or tender, since they do not mind exerting undue pressure, paying to be benefited and lowering budgets to figures impossible to meet to keep the business.

- Publicidad -

I have even heard of cases, especially in the public sector or in large companies, in which it is the same clients who demand money in exchange for granting the contract to a certain company.

Unity makes strength, says a popular saying. And applied to industry it could be much more true. It is important to understand that bad practices only damage the market and affect the growth that we praise so much and expect to continue.

I look forward to your comments on the audiovisual industry in [email protected]

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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