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Smart homes are revolutionizing the market

EZVIZ Colombia

Colombia. According to the Digital 2022 study conducted by We Are Social and Hootsuite, Smart Home devices have become an important trend within the Colombian public, specifically, the penetration of these devices has amounted to 7.8% (around 1 million people) of the national population.

Smart home or smart home are those houses, where remotely through a cell phone or a computer we can generate actions through an application, such as turning on a light, turning on the air conditioning, opening a door, or handling different devices without the need to be on site, this technology has become important for some time, and more in the back-to-school season they also become popular because we can have control of the home through the Smartphone, for those families who must leave homes for longer.

According to EZVIZ Colombia, leaders in Smart Home devices in the country, a few years ago there was a belief that the costs to implement this type of systems were very high, since a lot of technical knowledge was needed to implement a smart home solution. Nowadays most devices come in 90% already pre-configured, which means that the final public can implement them without having technical knowledge.

According to Felipe Hernández, Product Manager of EZVIZ Colombia, there are 4 useful benefits for people who want to innovate and align with new technology through the development of their products:

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Saving money: While the cost of creating a smart home can be quite significant, once everything is set up, you can easily track electricity and water consumption, light or heat only specific rooms, or control the power supply to other devices.

Accessibility: For those with disabilities, a smart home can make a huge difference and give them the ability to be more independent than ever.

Comfort: A smart home can be very cozy. Not only is it possible to remotely control your functions from your favorite armchair, but you can automate some routine tasks, such as vacuuming.

Complete control over all your devices: Have you ever left home and worried if something had been left on, or would you have liked to turn on the heating while returning on a cold winter day, or open the door remotely to your spouse or child? A smart home allows you to control your home even if it's far away.

That is why, every day more people join, among some favorite items for buyers we find: wifi cameras, alarms, robotic vacuum cleaners, locks; All those products that undoubtedly facilitate the routine of a world that goes faster and changes its dynamics year after year. But not only that, the contribution to the environment is one of the most important points of the technological revolution that is undoubtedly vital to be able to create cultural dynamics of individual and collective social responsibility.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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