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Banana Disco installed Powersoft amplification

Argentina. The company Equaphon, distributor of Powersoft in Argentina and Uruguay, was summoned to carry out a sound installation project for discotheque. The Banana nightclub has been in operation since April, located on the waterfront of the Río de la Plata, in Costanera Norte, in the City of Buenos Aires.

With different areas to be sounded, several were the requirements planned by the owners of the disco. To begin with, the establishment has a covered internal part and an external part on an outdoor deck, which is a balcony over the Río de la Plata, in which there are two sectors, one large and one smaller. 

The idea then was to have three DJs in three different locations – one on the main track inside and the other two on the outside – generating the premise that the music generated by any of the three DJs could be used anywhere.

Another condition was that, on the outside, the sound system could be mounted in different ways to cover various scenographies, for this reason the decision was made to use self-powered equipment on the outside.     

- Publicidad -

Chosen equipment
On the inside of the disc were used passive cabinets and Powersoft amplifiers, with six STS Concerto INFRASUB speakers and eight STS Sonata, centralizing the sound on the main track of the internal part. In addition, four STS Cantata were used in the VIP, and two STS Cantata covered an area adjacent to the track. Two Powersoft K10 amplifiers and one Powersoft M50Q amplifier are being used here.

Already on the outside, amplified active cabinets with Powersoft modules were used. On the one hand, six STS Concerto miniSUB+ and six STS Cantata+ were used on the main deck, and, on the other, two STS Concerto miniSUB+ and two STS Cantata+ on the secondary, each of which includes a Powersoft D-Cell 504 module.   

Due to the requirement of the possibility of using three DJ booths simultaneously, Equaphon chose to use a Xilica Neutrino A0816 processor that allows routing the different signals generated by the three DJs, in the way desired. To do this, the control was programmed on a tablet, so that this task was as simple as possible, with the option of managing the level of each sector as needed against different options of use.   

Nicolás Rizzo, product support of Equaphon, was responsible for the project and to start up the system, in addition to configuring different screens so that users could control predefined parameters. He also took care of training the technical team of the disco in the use of the system and its control possibilities.    

"The staff at the nightclub have been very pleased with the sound quality. A very high level of sound pressure has been achieved on the main track, with excellent dynamic range without the amplifiers being required in their operation. On the other hand, they highlighted the possibility of control they have over the levels of the different speakers and how simple it is to route the signals of the different DJs," he said.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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