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MEXDC expands the industry's link with UNAM

MEXDC amplía la vinculación de la industria con la UNAM

Mexico. The exponential growth of the Data Center industry in Mexico, coupled with the wave of the digital economy, a global movement in business where it is imperative to have a robust digital technological infrastructure, demands professionals prepared and trained in global production trends.

With this panorama, the Mexican Association of Data Centers (MEXCD) gave the masterclass "Data Center: The epicenter of the new digital economy" at the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Aragón.

Arturo Casas, a member of the MEXDC with more than 15 years of experience in the telecommunications market, explained to the young people what data centers are, how they help the economy of an organization and what is the current panorama of this industry in Mexico.

"Data Centers help drive digital transformation through technologies such as cloud, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, the Internet of Things and analytics. In addition, they are an important economic engine. Investment in this type of infrastructure creates direct and indirect jobs, boosts demand for digital and related services such as energy supply and construction, and attracts investment from complementary sectors," said the expert.

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Casas addressed the influence of artificial intelligence on servers and debunked some myths about 4G and 5G networks, used to a greater degree only as marketing strategies. He also pointed out the importance of regular maintenance of servers and recommended having more than one as a prevention in case of failures.

The MEXDC report on the current context of the Data Center industry in Mexico estimates that the market, by the end of 2029, including the jobs of 2023, will generate a total of 68,198 jobs (between construction, start-up and operation). With this panorama, there is a great area of opportunity for young people in the country.

"It is important that companies in the sector work together with academia to overcome the shortage of professionals and continue to expand to meet the growing demand for data in the digital age. As an industry it is important to offer opportunities for everyone, from young university students to experienced professionals, and the labor field of Data Centers offers various well-paid opportunities and professional growth, but the shortage of qualified talent poses a threat to its future development," said Arturo Casas.

On the other hand, Rosalinda Pérez, Data Center Sales Manager at Vertiv LATAM, explained that this industry not only involves the software and hardware sectors, but is an area that involves different specialties, ranging from construction, metalworking, electrical and even sustainability professionals.

In addition, Judith Romero, coordinator of Talent Attraction and Professional Development, together with Alberto Sosa, commercial partner of Human Resources, both from KIO Data Centers, presented job opportunities in the telecommunications sector. Romero emphasized the relevance of technology in everyday life, and the imperative of professional training in the field.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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