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Shure makes it easy to manage networked audio devices

Shure facilita gestión de dispositivos de audio en red

Latin America. Shure launched its new cloud-based centralized management platform, ShureCloud. In its initial phase, the platform enables unified control and management of Shure Microflex Ecosystem devices and IntelliMix Room software licenses from a single user interface.

Additional features will be added in the coming months, including the registration and monitoring of a broad portfolio of products.

ShureCloud offers intuitive workflows that are familiar to IT administrators and AV integrators. The platform provides access, with real-time remote management, so users can manage, monitor, update, and control devices and licenses from anywhere, ensuring flexibility and convenience.

It provides unified control and remote access for organizations of all sizes, whether you're managing a few devices for a small business or handling large-scale deployments for global enterprises, for government, or higher education.

- Publicidad -

ShureCloud combines an efficient and intuitive external platform to remotely monitor, update, and manage Shure hardware and software products across a broad spectrum of applications and industries:

Streamlined management
The main advantage of ShureCloud is the ability to manage all Shure devices from a single, easy-to-use platform. Device monitoring allows users to see the status and performance of the device, in real-time, to ensure optimal operation. Users can also submit updates to ensure that all devices work with the latest firmware.

Users are also instantly alerted to issues, allowing for quick resolutions with minimal downtime. Notably, for the Wireless Workbench software, the Scan Library app will now also be available from ShureCloud.

Ease of use
The platform's interface is simple and friendly, especially for IT administrators and AV integrators who regularly work on a variety of cloud platforms. Designed for both desktop and mobile use, ShureCloud's intuitive navigation features a simple design, making it easy to find and manage what you need. The overview dashboard view gives the user a complete overview of all connected devices, with quick access to detailed device information.

A user management application within the platform allows customers to seamlessly invite, manage, and control internal access to specific parts of the ShureCloud platform. Each individual user can customize the site's design and tailor the interface to meet their specific needs, highlighting key metrics and controls.

This is just the beginning of ShureCloud. More devices and features will be added very soon, and there will be updates coming soon. In the future, users will have access to historical data to identify and analyze patterns, trends, and opportunities for improvement.

Visit to sign up for ShureCloud.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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