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On Projeções transforms music festivals into AV shows

On Projeções transforma festivales de música en espectáculo AV

Brazil. On Projeções selected Christie Griffyn 4K50-RGB pure laser projectors to star in two of São Paulo's most prominent electronic music and techno events: Time Warp Brasil and Illusionize in Saturn.

Created in Germany in 1994, Time Warp is one of the biggest techno and house festivals in the world, with editions in Mannheim, Madrid, New York and São Paulo. The festival is known for the use of cutting-edge technological infrastructure to complete the musical show.

On Projeções transforma festivales de música en espectáculo AVFor Time Warp's 30th anniversary, the festival commissioned On Projeções and agency The Force to project onto the building in front of the venue to increase the sense of immersion for attendees and transform the event into a striking and engaging visual experience.

To achieve this, On Projeções used two Christie Griffyn 4K50-RGB pure laser projectors to photograph abstract images and photographs on the two facades of the building, one measuring 33 x 27 meters and the other measuring 12 x 31 meters, with a total resolution of 12,068,480 pixels.

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"The projections on the building had an important visual impact, creating a unique and immersive environment that captured the attention of visitors," recalls Luciana Barcellos, director of On Projeções. They added an element of surprise and innovation, enhancing the audience experience and making the event more memorable," he adds.

A visual experience
On Projeções transforma festivales de música en espectáculo AVThe other event was Illusionize in Saturn, an electronic music party by popular DJ and producer Pedro Mendes (also known as Illusionize), which took place at ARCA, São Paulo's main indoor venue for electronic music events.

Illusionize in Saturn requested that the planet Saturn and its rings be projected where the DJ was located. To do this, On Projeções used two Griffyn 4K50-RGB pure laser projectors to cover a 30 x 20 meter surface with images that simulated Saturn's surroundings, with a total resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels.

"The screenings of the festival had a significant impact on the visitor experience, producing a visually striking and immersive experience," says Luciana Barcellos. "The Griffyn's sheer luminosity was especially beneficial, as it allowed the projections to stand out at such a large, light-filled party."

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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