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Siemens inaugurates its Kaizen plant in Querétaro

Siemens inaugura su planta Kaizen en Querétaro

Mexico. Siemens inaugurated the Kaizen operations, a project to expand its production and presence in the State of Querétaro aimed at meeting the growing technological demand for solutions focused on the medium and low voltage energy market in Mexico and North America.

In November 2023, Siemens announced the investment of 940 million pesos distributed over five years in Kaizen to optimize and redesign its production in the locality, in order to double its production capacity, which in turn will result in significant reductions in delivery times. In addition, the company strengthens the decarbonization strategy it uses in its processes and thus reduces its carbon footprint, generating innovative tools to reduce the impact of the industry.

Judith Wiese, Chief People and Sustainability Officer, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of Siemens AG, explained that Kaizen is a testament to the company's commitment to innovation, excellence and sustainability in various industries across the country.

"Mexico offers a strong manufacturing base, a strategic geographic location, and a favorable business environment, making it an ideal location for significant investments. This year, commemorating our 130th anniversary in Mexico, Siemens inaugurates three new factories, with a total investment of more than 2,000 million pesos. This commitment underlines Siemens' long-term dedication to the country's industrial and economic development," said Judith Wiese.

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Alejandro Preinfalk, CEO and president of Siemens for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, commented that the inauguration of Kaizen is not only about expanding the company's operations, but about forging a better future for all.

"The state of Querétaro has been a great driver of sustainability. By investing in our people, our technology, and our community, we are laying the foundation for long-term growth and success. An example of this is the recent agreement between the state of Querétaro, Siemens and Estanium in December 2023, within the framework of COP 28. The document highlights the collaboration between the government and the private sector to reduce carbon emissions in the industry and its supply chains by implementing Siemens' state-of-the-art technology called SiGreen," said Alejandro Preinfalk.

Marco Cosío, VP of Smart Infrastructure at Siemens Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, indicated that the company is well aware of the challenges involved in the transformation of the industry and therefore promotes energy efficiency, the optimization of value chains and improving the transparency of environmental metrics.

"The effects of climate change demand a high degree of efficiency from the industrial sector combining the real and digital worlds to generate a positive impact on the various collaborative ecosystems of which we are part. This new plant and the implementation of the project with the state of Querétaro is a clear example of collaboration between the government and the private sector, joining forces to boost Mexico's competitiveness and industrialization. We will continue to work together to enhance the growth and development of the country, ensuring a prosperous future for all," he said.

On the other hand, Mauricio Kuri, Governor of the state of Querétaro, said that the German company's strategy will translate into significant economic growth for the area in the medium term. In addition, "the fact that companies continue to invest in Querétaro is a sign that things are being done well and with Kaizen the local community will benefit from 400 new employment opportunities."

Marco Antonio Del Prete, Secretary of Sustainable Development of the state of Querétaro, stressed that today Querétaro is the number one state in attracting foreign investment and the accelerated growth of the industry requires robust companies with a higher level of automation and optimizing intelligent energy management.

"In the last year we have worked closely with Siemens so that the growth of the industrial sector does not stop and with it Mexico continues to be at the forefront of talent, energy and sustainability," he stressed.

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After the ribbon cutting, attendees had the opportunity to take a tour of the different workstations and assembly of the Kaizen plant, where power distribution solutions are manufactured for the automotive, aerospace, residential, food and beverage industries, among many others.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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