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Panasonic and TransitScreen seek smart mobility

Latin America. A strategic alliance has formed Panasonic and TransitScreen through which they will develop IoT and digital signage applications so that both the inhabitants and visitors of the cities obtain accurate and real-time information on the multiple options of public transport, and thus make the best decision to organize their trips, transfer times, routes and connections.

TransitScreen is a digital solutions company that has created a platform that collects real-time information about different transportation services such as buses, trains, subways, bike stations, and even Uber. A public screen displays useful data to choose the most convenient method of transport after comparing distance, arrival time and availability. TransitScreen has implemented solutions in 33 cities in 5 countries, including New York, Paris, London, Dublin and Montreal; although most are in the United States, where their use extends to public places such as hotels, shopping malls, universities, corporate buildings, multifamily and sports arenas.

Panasonic will collaborate with its expertise in the development of smart urban infrastructure, such as large LED screens and monitors for outdoor use, light poles powered by solar panels and equipped with various types of sensors to record temperature, measure traffic flow and even monitor the progress of a vehicle through cameras for plate recognition and send information to data centers for real-time processing.

The technological combination of both companies will result in the simplification of complex data, software development for information analysis, customization and a human-focused interface design that will transform the information platforms of transport services. Its use will bring benefits that will impact the reduction of travel times, reduction of vehicular traffic and pollutant emissions related to transport, in addition to the promotion of the use of public transport and its combination with walks.

- Publicidad -

The alliance plans to go beyond hardware and implement solutions such as LinkRay1 to TransitScreen screens. As a result, a user could buy their metro or bus ticket, or order their taxi, directly from the screen, saving waiting time and avoiding crowds around the ticket office. In sports venues or concert halls where crowds gather, this would be especially convenient when people vacate the venue.

The UN estimates that the urban population will increase by 2.5 billion people by 2050 due, in large part, to migration to large cities. Therefore, it is necessary to implement solutions that allow a fluid transfer and reduce the complications that come with the demographic increase, such as road congestion that causes environmental pollution. With the right information in real time, a person can make the best decision to make their transport efficient and contribute individually to the solution of this problem.

The first joint installation of TransitScreen and Panasonic will take place in the Denver Peña Station Next urban project, a sustainable development in which Panasonic collaborates with the North American city of Denver through the technological solutions of the Panasonic CityNOW concept.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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