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AVI-SPL will have its Vibe event in Mexico City

AVI-SPL tendrá su evento Vibe en Ciudad de México

Mexico. Vibe is an event that the AVI-SPL company does in each country where it has a presence. Hand in hand with the suppliers, it summons end users to present them with new trends, in an exclusive space. On October 17 it will be the turn for the event in Mexico.

AVI Latin America spoke with Andrés Martínez, director of AVI-SPL Mexico, who told details of what this day will be like. There will be between 10 and 12 allied brands that will be participating, and around 100 end users from different economic sectors, at the managerial and executive level, are expected to meet at the Inbursa Aquarium in Mexico City.

He explained that this is an event that covers all the edges of what audiovisual integration is from the technological point of view, in addition, it will have a panel in which, with the help of experts, they will analyze the impact of artificial intelligence and how they can benefit from it in their businesses.

"The intention of doing it at the Aquarium is to provide a different impact, that it is an area in which we can live together, network, have a happy time in a different context from the one we are in the offices all day, all day in front of a screen. Therefore, the context will be at night, something more entertaining and striking for the industry," he said.

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The event will have an audiovisual interaction area for all attendees, distributed over two floors of the Aquarium, where they will be able to learn about the products and services of allied suppliers, which will be focused on collaboration, artificial intelligence and hybrid solutions that continue to be very present in Mexico.

andrés martínez, avi splAndrés Martínez pointed out that "Our intention is that attendees take something with them with which they can act and execute later within their organizations, to make them more efficient, more oriented so that they can meet their objectives. We as audiovisual integrators are only a tool for our clients to enable their employees, to be more efficient, more effective and generate more performance, which is what all companies are looking for."

For AVI-SPL, Vibe is an event that aims to be an anchor in the Mexican industry.

Those interested in attending this event can register by clicking here.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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