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Technology-driven productivity in Peru

La productividad en Perú impulsada por tecnología

Peru. In a world where technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, business productivity is increasingly linked to the adoption of technological innovations. According to a recent study by EY, 8 out of 10 Peruvian companies say that productivity will be driven by technology in the next three years.

In addition, 76% of these companies say that data will become a cross-cutting asset across the organization, while cloud adoption (73%) and 5G connectivity (66%) will also play crucial roles in this technological push.

Global Industry Trends
Global trends indicate that companies are recognizing the value of technology as a powerful tool to achieve their goals and stay competitive. However, it is critical for these organizations to understand that technology, while powerful, must be implemented strategically. This is where BRCO | Control and Connectivity can make all the difference, helping businesses meet challenges and maximize the potential of their technology investments.

Key Challenges
In Peru, 35% of companies identify operational improvements, productivity and cost reduction as the main challenge. Other challenges include:
Market Share Growth (26%)
Technology and Digital Transformation (20%)
Experience Management and Quality of Service (18%)
Employee Experience and Talent Retention (16%)
Process Automation (15%)
Internationalization of Operations (15%)
At BRCO, we understand these challenges and are prepared to offer solutions that help companies overcome them. Our expertise in monitoring, connectivity and control center management allows us to provide tools and services that improve operational efficiency, optimize data management and ensure robust and secure connectivity.

- Publicidad -

1. Operational Improvement and Cost Reduction:
We implement advanced monitoring solutions that allow real-time monitoring, reducing response times and minimizing operating costs.
2. Technology and Digital Transformation:
We offer M2M and IoT connectivity services that facilitate the integration of emerging technologies such as 5G, ensuring effective digital transformation.
4. Experience Management and Service Quality:
We improve the customer experience and service quality through monitoring and control solutions that ensure uninterrupted and high-quality service.
5. Employee Experience and Talent Retention:
We provide ergonomic technologies and collaboration tools that improve the work environment and increase talent satisfaction and retention.
6. Process Automation:
We facilitate the automation of operational processes with technological solutions that optimize productivity and reduce human errors.
7. Internationalization of Operations:
We help companies expand globally with scalable and flexible solutions that adapt to different international markets.

Business productivity is meant to be driven by technology. At BRCO, we are committed to accompanying Peruvian companies on this journey, providing them with the necessary tools and strategies to face the challenges of the future and take advantage of the opportunities that technology offers.

Text published by Ángel Barco Rivera, General Manager of BRCO | Control and Connectivity and Director of Control Rooms Academy.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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