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Data Engineering, a new career promoted by MEXDC

Ingeniería de Datos, nueva carrera impulsada por MEXDC

Mexico. Taking into account that the state of Querétaro is a strategic place for the investment of Data Centers in Mexico, which today captures more than 50 percent of the large installations of this type of technological and digital infrastructure, the Polytechnic University of Querétaro announced the admission process of the new Data Engineering.

During a masterclass offered by the Mexican Association of Data Centers (MEXDC) to the young people of the UPQ, Adriana Rivera, executive director, explained that Data Engineering is a great timely professional option to practice in this growing sector.

"The Data Center industry is very new in Mexico, as of 2019 it began to develop in the Bajío. The existence of a career very similar to us as an industry, comforts us and commits us to work with the University to train adequate professional cadres," added Adriana Rivera.

He also commented that Data Centers help companies use technologies that drive digital transformation, such as the Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Internet of Things and Analytics. This allows them to derive benefits from digital data, i.e., strengthen their business process through digitization.

- Publicidad -

Ingeniería de Datos, nueva carrera impulsada por MEXDCToday, industries, companies, governments and even individuals know the great importance that the new digital economy has taken, a global movement in business where it is imperative to have a robust digital technological infrastructure that enables anyone to do almost anything (from shopping, paying, communicating, ordering food, etc.). watch a movie, book a trip, access a videoconference, request transportation and even play online) with just a gesture of the fingers on the screen of any device (smartphone, tablet, Smart TV, computer and even a wearable).

In her opportunity, the academic secretary, Enriqueta Ortiz, stressed that the institution is always seeking to increase the quality of the professional profile of the entire educational offer in order for graduates to be on par with the requirements of the industry.

It is important to underline that the opening of this new engineering is the result of the meeting held in July 2023 by the authorities of the MEXDC, the UPQ and the Secretariat of Sustainable Development of Querétaro, who worked together to draw up training, certification and development strategies that would benefit the training of the students of the University. which was concretized in a collaboration agreement that was signed in September of that same year.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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