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There is growing interest in investing in AV technology

Bruno Bucchianeri, de Expex de Argentina

Argentina. Although the first quarter of 2024 started slow for the AV industry in Argentina, due to influential political changes in the economy, there is an increase in investment by companies in AV technology, seeking to modernize and adapt to new market dynamics.

This market behavior, according to Bruno Bucchianeri, from Expex in Argentina, contrasts with other markets such as Uruguay and other countries in the region, where the sector experienced solid growth, driven by the rapid adoption of remote collaboration technologies and improvements in digital infrastructure.

The education and corporate sectors emerge as the main drivers of demand for AV technology. In the field of education, the digital transformation of classrooms is a growing trend, facilitating more interactive and accessible learning. In the corporate sector, the improvement of conference rooms and communication systems is a priority to support collaborative and flexible work environments.

In addition, there is a significant growth in the demand for streaming and podcasting solutions, both for entertainment and corporate communication. This reflects the need to establish dynamic and accessible communication channels that reach global audiences effectively.

- Publicidad -

As for recent projects, Bruno Bucchianeri highlighted the installation of more than 40 video collaboration rooms for an automotive multinational, establishing standards of quality and efficiency at a global level.

For the remainder of 2024, it projects continued growth and expansion in the offering of customized and efficient AV solutions. Further incorporation of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and process automation is expected to provide even more adaptive and immersive experiences.

In terms of sustainability, for Expex it is a fundamental pillar of its corporate strategy. "We have implemented several initiatives that include optimizing the energy efficiency of our systems, using sustainable materials in our products, and promoting the recycling of electronic components. We also work closely with our customers to reuse and modernize existing equipment, extending its life and reducing environmental impact," concluded Bruno Bucchianeri.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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