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IFT and the Mexican Association of Data Centers sign an agreement

IFT y la Asociación Mexicana de Data Centers firman convenio

Mexico. The Federal Institute of Telecommunications, IFT, and the Mexican Association of Data Centers, MEXDC, signed a general collaboration agreement that establishes the basis for working in a coordinated manner to promote digital transformation, the development of the digital ecosystem and the country's digital infrastructures.

This will be achieved by harnessing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), digital literacy, a culture of cybersecurity, responsible use of digital services, digital inclusion, user rights and economic competition.

The protocol act for the signing of this Agreement was led by the Deputy Commissioner of the IFT, Javier Juárez Mojica and the President of the MEXDC, Amet Novillo Suárez, as well as the Commissioners of the IFT, Arturo Robles Rovalo, Ramiro Camacho Castillo and Sóstenes Díaz González, and Adriana Rivera, Executive Director of the MEXDC.

The signing of this agreement highlights the importance of data centers as the foundation of all digital infrastructure, as they are fundamental drivers in digital transformation. In this sense, the collaborative work between the IFT and the MEXDC will promote the development of the culture of cybersecurity in companies in the country that resort to data centers to manage, protect and safeguard the data they use, in order to contribute to actions that allow digital development in a secure way.

- Publicidad -

In order to achieve the objectives of this Agreement, the IFT and the MEXDC may submit for consideration proposals for activities, works and projects aimed at:

- Establish coordination and communication channels for the exchange of statistical information, design of programs, projects and various actions aimed at fulfilling the purpose of this agreement.
- Participate jointly in different forums, conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, face-to-face courses and online courses with national and international organizations, among other events.
- Design, develop and execute projects and programs for updating, training and education, on issues related to the subjects of those who sign this agreement.
- Carry out outreach and dissemination activities with the data center industry, in order to promote the culture of economic competition, deepen and consolidate knowledge about the activities and attributions of the Institute in matters of economic competition, including notification of mergers and investigations for anticompetitive practices.
- Conduct and organize forums, conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, face-to-face courses and online courses that contribute to compliance with the Agreement.
- Promote the dissemination of publications, studies and events related to the subjects of this instrument.

Both parties ratified their commitment to the country's digital development and the promotion of technological innovation, underpinning digital infrastructures.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2009), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de IntegraTec y LiveTec.

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